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The EventsAir GraphQL API allows you to precisely defined the data you want to fetch from EventsAir. GraphQL offers the flexibility to choose the data you're interested in.

GraphQL API address

The GraphQL API has a single endpoint address:

The endpoint address remains constant no matter what operation you perform.

About GraphQL

If you are new to GraphQL, you should take some time to familiarize yourself with some basic concepts before diving straight into using it. Some resources to help you get started include:

Why is EventsAir using GraphQL?

EventsAir is a comprehensive event management platform with a wide variety of features fulfilling the needs for a broad range of customers who run large and small events. A traditional REST API must conform to a specific structure and may require multiple requests to fulfil a specific need. With GraphQL, you can choose the exact data that you're interested in and you have the flexibility to fetch multiple related data in a single request.

EventsAir chose GraphQL because it empowers customers with flexibility and choice to develop integrated applications based on how they use the platform. GraphQL APIs can also be evolved over time to provide new capabilities and data without impacting existing applications. Our design philosophy is to avoid, or at worst minimise any breaking changes over time.


Introspection is enabled for the EventsAir GraphQL API to promote discoverability by allowing you to query details about the schema and use common GraphQL tools.

Of course, you can always browse the schema reference directly.

Usage limits

To ensure that API calls do not impact the performance of EventsAir, the GraphQL API enforces rate and usage limits. These are described in usage limits and are important to understand when building your applications.


This site includes tools to help make it easier to work with the EventsAir GraphQL API.

Apollo Sandbox

We recommend using an integrated development environment to explore the GraphQL API, generate queries and test them interactively. Apollo Sandbox is our preferred tool and offers a feature rich and easy to use browser-based IDE.

This site hosts an embedded version of Apollo Sandbox that allows you to easily connect to the EventsAir GraphQL API. You can quickly access the embedded Apollo Sandbox through the Tools menu in the navigation bar.

GraphQL Voyager

While you can browse the schema reference to understand the objects that make up the data model of the EventsAir GraphQL API, sometimes it's easier to visualise this information.

This site includes an embedded version of GraphQL Voyager, a tool that lets you visually navigate a GraphQL schema's objects. You can quickly access the embedded GraphQL Voyager through the Tools menu in the navigation bar.