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Defines the input for creating an exhibition booking.

input CreateExhibitionBookingInput {
bookedOn: LocalDate
construction: ExhibitionConstructionType!
customFields: [CustomFieldInput!]
eventId: ID!
exhibitorId: ID!
paymentDetails: CreatePaymentDetailsInput!
standId: ID
standTypeId: ID!
status: ExhibitionBookingStatusInput!


CreateExhibitionBookingInput.bookedOn ● LocalDate scalar

The date the exhibition is booked. Optional. ● ExhibitionConstructionType! non-null enum

The type of construction requested when the exhibition was booked.

CreateExhibitionBookingInput.customFields ● [CustomFieldInput!] list input

The custom fields to create for the exhibition booking. Optional.

CreateExhibitionBookingInput.eventId ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier of the event the exhibition booking is to be added to.

CreateExhibitionBookingInput.exhibitorId ● ID! non-null scalar

The exhibitor who booked the exhibition booking.

CreateExhibitionBookingInput.paymentDetails ● CreatePaymentDetailsInput! non-null input

The payment details for the exhibition booking.

CreateExhibitionBookingInput.standId ● ID scalar

The stand number that is booked. Optional, but only if allowBookingWithoutStandNumber is set to true in the exhibition preferences.

CreateExhibitionBookingInput.standTypeId ● ID! non-null scalar

The type of stand that is booked.

CreateExhibitionBookingInput.status ● ExhibitionBookingStatusInput! non-null enum

The status of the exhibition booking.

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createExhibitionBooking mutation