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Defines the input for updating a function discount code.

input UpdateFunctionDiscountCodeInput {
applicability: FunctionDiscountCodeApplicabilityInput!
availableFrom: DateTime
availableTo: DateTime
code: String!
discountAmounts: [MoneyInput!]
discountCodeId: ID!
discountPercentage: NonNegativeFloat
discountType: DiscountType!
eventId: ID!
name: String!


UpdateFunctionDiscountCodeInput.applicability ● FunctionDiscountCodeApplicabilityInput! non-null input

Defines which function fee types this discount code can be applied to.

UpdateFunctionDiscountCodeInput.availableFrom ● DateTime scalar

The date and time from when the discount code can be used. Optional.

UpdateFunctionDiscountCodeInput.availableTo ● DateTime scalar

The date and time until when the discount code can be used. Optional.

UpdateFunctionDiscountCodeInput.code ● String! non-null scalar

The code that attendees can specify during registration to obtain a discount.

Codes must be unique within an event.

UpdateFunctionDiscountCodeInput.discountAmounts ● [MoneyInput!] list input

The amounts the discount code gives access to, expressed in different currencies. Optional.

This must be set if discountType is set to SET_AMOUNT_OFF_FEE.

The list must contain at least one item that uses the event's default currency.

UpdateFunctionDiscountCodeInput.discountCodeId ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier of the discount code to update.

UpdateFunctionDiscountCodeInput.discountPercentage ● NonNegativeFloat scalar

The percentage, expressed between 0 and 100, that the discount code gives access to. Optional.

This must be set if discountType is set to PERCENTAGE_AMOUNT_OFF_FEE.

UpdateFunctionDiscountCodeInput.discountType ● DiscountType! non-null enum

The type of discount the discount code gives access to.

If this is set to SET_AMOUNT_OFF_FEE, then the discountAmounts input value must be set. If this is set to PERCENTAGE_OFF_FEE, then the discountPercentage input value must be set.

UpdateFunctionDiscountCodeInput.eventId ● ID! non-null scalar

The identifier of the event to update the function discount code in. ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the discount code.

Discount code names must be unique with an event.

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