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Defines the settings for Presentations for an event in EventsAir.

type PresentationSetup {
concurrentSessionBlocks: [SessionBlock!]!
documentTypes: [DocumentType!]!
keywords: [PresentationKeyword!]!
locations: [Location!]! @deprecated
paperStatuses: [PresentationPaperStatus!]!
preferences: PresentationPreferences!
themes: [PresentationTheme!]!
types: [PresentationType!]!


PresentationSetup.concurrentSessionBlocks ● [SessionBlock!]! non-null object

The blocks available for concurrent sessions.

PresentationSetup.documentTypes ● [DocumentType!]! non-null interface

The types of documents defined for a presentation.

PresentationSetup.keywords ● [PresentationKeyword!]! non-null object

The collection of terms or words that can help an organizer locate specific categories of presentations.

PresentationSetup.locations ● [Location!]! deprecated non-null object


Use setup.locations instead. This field will be removed in a future release.

The locations available for presentations to be held in.

PresentationSetup.paperStatuses ● [PresentationPaperStatus!]! non-null object

The definitions created to classify the status of submitted papers or presentations.

PresentationSetup.preferences ● PresentationPreferences! non-null object

The configuration preferences for a Presentation.

PresentationSetup.themes ● [PresentationTheme!]! non-null object

The Presentation themes and sub themes defined in EventsAir for an event.

PresentationSetup.types ● [PresentationType!]! non-null object

The types of Presentations defined in EventsAir for an event.

Member Of

EventSetup object