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Represents a concurrent block of sessions in an event agenda.

A session block defines a date and time span for sessions to be scheduled in side-by-side.

type SessionBlock {
createdAt: DateTime!
createdBy: String
date: LocalDate!
end: LocalTime!
id: ID!
lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
lastModifiedBy: String
name: String!
showNameOnAgenda: Boolean!
start: LocalTime!
uniqueCode: String


SessionBlock.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time the record was created.

SessionBlock.createdBy ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the username of the user who created the record. Optional. ● LocalDate! non-null scalar

The date of the session block.

SessionBlock.end ● LocalTime! non-null scalar

The end time of the session block. ● ID! non-null scalar

The unique identifier of the session block.

SessionBlock.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date and time the record was last modified.

SessionBlock.lastModifiedBy ● String scalar

UTF-8 string value that represents the username of the user who last modified the record. Optional. ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the session block.

SessionBlock.showNameOnAgenda ● Boolean! non-null scalar

A flag indicating whether the name of the session block is shown on the agenda. true by default.

SessionBlock.start ● LocalTime! non-null scalar

The start time of the session block.

SessionBlock.uniqueCode ● String scalar

A customer supplied, UTF-8 string value that represents a unique code for the session. Optional.

The value must be unique across all session blocks for an event.

Member Of

PresentationSetup object ● Session object ● SessionEventAgendaItem object