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A date-time string at UTC, such as 2007-12-03T10:15:30Z, compliant with the date-time format outlined in section 5.6 of the RFC 3339 profile of the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar.

scalar DateTime

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AbsoluteAutomaticMeetingRequestStatusUpdate object ● Account object ● ActivityBreakAttendanceAgendaItem object ● ActivityBreakEventAgendaItem object ● AgendaItemAttendance object ● AttachedDocument interface ● AttendanceAgendaItem interface ● Author object ● AuthorAffiliation object ● BillingContact object ● BlockedMeeting object ● Brand object ● Brochure object ● Carrier object ● CeContactStore object ● CeContactStoreContact object ● CeContactStoreMarketingGroup object ● CeContactStoreMarketingRecord object ● CeContactStoreMarketingSubTag object ● CeContactStoreMarketingTag object ● CeContactStoreNote object ● CeContactStoreNoteType object ● CheckIntoEventInput input ● CheckIntoFunctionInput input ● CheckIntoSessionInput input ● CheckOutOfEventInput input ● CheckOutOfFunctionInput input ● CheckOutOfSessionInput input ● CommunicationTag object ● Contact object ● ContactStore object ● ContactStoreContact object ● ContactStoreCustomFieldDefinition object ● ContactStoreMarketingGroup object ● ContactStoreMarketingRecord object ● ContactStoreMarketingSubTag object ● ContactStoreMarketingTag object ● ContactStoreNote object ● ContactStoreNoteType object ● CreateBasicFunctionGuestInput input ● CreateCeContactStoreContactInput input ● CreateContactFunctionGuestInput input ● CreateContactInput input ● CreateContactStoreContactInput input ● CreateFunctionDiscountCodeInput input ● CreateMembershipContactStoreContactInput input ● CreateRegistrationDiscountCodeInput input ● CreateRegistrationInput input ● CreateTemporaryHoldForFunctionDiscountCodePayload object ● CreateTemporaryHoldForFunctionRegistrationPayload object ● CreateTemporaryHoldForRegistrationDiscountCodePayload object ● CreateTemporaryHoldForRegistrationPayload object ● CustomField object ● CustomFieldDefinition interface ● CustomFieldDefinitionTag object ● DocumentType interface ● Event object ● EventAgendaItem interface ● EventCustomFieldDefinition object ● EventGroup object ● EventMarketingGroup object ● EventMarketingRecord object ● EventMarketingSubTag object ● EventMarketingTag object ● EventNote object ● EventNoteType object ● EventPackage object ● EventPortal object ● EventsAirApiKey object ● EventsAirUser object ● ExhibitionBooking object ● ExhibitionBookingMeeting interface ● ExhibitionBookingToRegistrationMeetingPreference object ● ExhibitionBookingWithRegistrationMeeting object ● ExhibitionPreferences object ● ExhibitionStand object ● ExhibitionStandType object ● Function object ● FunctionAttendance object ● FunctionDiscountCode object ● FunctionEventAgendaItem object ● FunctionFeeType object ● FunctionGroup object ● FunctionGuest object ● FunctionRegistration object ● GloballyScopedCustomFieldDefinition object ● HeadingEventAgendaItem object ● Hotel object ● HotelBooking object ● ImageDocument object ● ImageDocumentType object ● InformationEventAgendaItem object ● Invoice object ● InvoiceLineItem object ● JobCode object ● Journal object ● JournalEntry object ● Link object ● LinkDocument object ● LinkDocumentType object ● Location object ● MeetingDiary object ● MeetingSchedule object ● MeetingScheduleTimeSlot object ● MembershipCategory object ● MembershipContactStore object ● MembershipContactStoreContact object ● MembershipContactStoreMarketingGroup object ● MembershipContactStoreMarketingRecord object ● MembershipContactStoreMarketingSubTag object ● MembershipContactStoreMarketingTag object ● MembershipContactStoreNote object ● MembershipContactStoreNoteType object ● MembershipFeeType object ● MembershipRegistration object ● MergeDocument object ● Office object ● OnlineUser object ● OpenEndedDateTimeRangeFilter input ● PayableItem object ● Payment object ● PaymentLineItem object ● PaymentType object ● PDFDocument object ● PDFDocumentType object ● Port object ● Presentation object ● PresentationKeyword object ● PresentationPaperStatus object ● PresentationPreferences object ● PresentationSubTheme object ● PresentationTheme object ● PresentationType object ● QueueEmailCommunicationInput input ● QueueHtmlEmailCommunicationInput input ● Registration object ● RegistrationDiscountCode object ● RegistrationGroup object ● RegistrationMeeting interface ● RegistrationPreferences object ● RegistrationToExhibitionBookingMeetingPreference object ● RegistrationToRegistrationMeetingPreference object ● RegistrationType object ● RegistrationWithExhibitionBookingMeeting object ● RegistrationWithRegistrationMeeting object ● RoomType object ● Sector object ● Session object ● SessionAttendance object ● SessionAttendanceAgendaItem object ● SessionBlock object ● SessionEventAgendaItem object ● SessionRole object ● SessionRoleAssignment object ● Sponsorship object ● SponsorshipPackage object ● SponsorshipPackageItem object ● SystemPortal object ● Tax object ● TextDocument object ● TextDocumentType object ● TrackHeading object ● TravelBooking object ● TravelPassenger object ● TravelType object ● UpdateBasicFunctionGuestInput input ● UpdateCeContactStoreContactDetailsInput input ● UpdateContactDetailsInput input ● UpdateContactFunctionGuestInput input ● UpdateContactStoreContactDetailsInput input ● UpdateFunctionDiscountCodeInput input ● UpdateMembershipContactStoreContactDetailsInput input ● UpdateRegistrationDiscountCodeInput input ● UpdateRegistrationInput input ● UploadedDocumentDocument object ● UploadedDocumentDocumentType object ● VideoLinkDocument object ● VideoLinkDocumentType object ● WebhookMessage object ● WebhookMessageDeliveryAttempt object ● WebhookSubscription object